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Panic/xPanicx/Nostradamus's Game Master Application

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Panic/xPanicx/Nostradamus's Game Master Application Empty Panic/xPanicx/Nostradamus's Game Master Application

Post  Panic Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:38 am

Name: Bobby

IGN: Panic/xPanicx/Nostradamus

Age: 16

What Job you want GM/Coder: I would want to become a GM.

Location/Time Zone: I live in Las Vegas, Nevada/ [GMT -8 or UTC – 8] Pacific Standard Time.

How well is your grammar?: My Grammar I would have to say is nine out of ten because no one is perfect by any means.

What Experience do you have being a GM: I have been a GM eleven times and three times being an admin/creator of three servers.

Why should we choose you as a GM? : You should choose me to become a GM because I have a lot of experience and I am a very nice guy. You should also pick me because I will always be on and or near a computer, I am homeschooled and I am in my sophomore year in high school. You should also pick me because I’m not going to be the guy that abuses his powers or doesn’t know what to do and what the commands are. I know what to do and what its like to be a Game Master; I know what’s right from wrong. I also think that I would set a good example as a Game Master to all of the players. I love to help other players and ill always help them with whatever they need, even if I have to look it up on the internet. I take this Job seriously and I will not be goofing around if I am chosen. I will also make sure that everyone respects each other.

What will you do to improve the server? : I will improve the server by catching all the hacker’s and harassers in the server. I will also contribute a lot of fun and amazing ideas to get a lot of people to join, also some events that will be very fun and exciting.

Will you abuse your GM powers? : No, I would never abuse my GM powers because I feel that it is a privilege to become a GM. I would also want to set an example for the players and or future GM’s.

How would you ban a hacker? : I would ban the hacker no matter what kind of hack they are using. I would permanent ban the hacker because a hacker never learns there lesson.

What will you do if a person asks you for an item? : I would tell them not to beg and you can find this item by killing this monster or I would tell them that you can win them from events to. If they ask again and it doesn’t come from a monster I would tell them don’t beg again or else ill have to jail you for ten minutes.

Would you make fun of another person if they were not chosen? : No, I would never do that I would actually say nice try just try again next time. I would also give them some advice and say maybe add a few sentences or tell them the have some grammatical errors.

Will you leave if you aren't a GM? : Nope this server is to fun. I also want to make this server better if I am even not a GM.

What makes you stand out from other people? : What makes me stand from everyone else is most likely my experience and how I see what’s right from wrong. I also stand out because I know most people cant always be near a computer but I am homeschooled like I said and I am always near the computer or on one. I can also log in when ever someone needs me. I also will be able to be on the forums or chatango, etc…all day to see if someone needs any help.

Are you honest? All I have to say is honesty is the best policy.


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Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Panic/xPanicx/Nostradamus's Game Master Application Empty Re: Panic/xPanicx/Nostradamus's Game Master Application

Post  Admin Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:20 pm



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Join date : 2009-05-17
Age : 30
Location : New Jersey, United States of America

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