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razer96 GM app(read i know ur lucking for coders but just luck and read)

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razer96 GM app(read i know ur lucking for coders but just luck and read) Empty razer96 GM app(read i know ur lucking for coders but just luck and read)

Post  razer96 Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:05 pm

• Name

• Country/TimeZone
Evrope time

• Do you speak proper English?
Quite a decent one , but not sure if my language will be accepted .

• How old are you?
I am 19 (8-11-1990 i will be 20)

• Why do you want to be a GM?
I want to help this server . I applied to be a GM because i want to feel the importance of being one and i had been GM for other servers , but the previous servers has small community to be take care of . I glanced through and saw this server and i do gain interest in the server because of the great community . I feel that i can do better in this server maybe its because of previous experiences . Not much , i also had been a player in a few servers , but maybe being a GM can be a better adventure of playing maplestory together with the team in SnailMs . According to what i feel , i wish i can become an outstanding GameMaster and basically help other fellow TeamMates.

• How can you help the server?
If i'm accepted , preferably an event GameMaster. Firstly i will be online once i'm free as i surely have life outside. (sometimes i will be out with friends so i will not be online, but most of the time i'm online everyday (: ) I'll help all players with any enquiries or problems . No further attention will be given if a player request for helps in items or level which they attain themselves or anything which is godly. As a GameMaster , I will prevent any abusers of the server which will harm the server and if possible protect fellow members/players from : (eg. hackers , harrassment ; etc ) Improve the server with suggestions if i have an idea on my mind . Give the community a sense of warmth in this server and most importantly give all my help to needed players.
Apart from helping, I will always try to bring in more trust to players to prove our server has helpful GMs.
And of course , i will try my best to bring people into SnailMs.

• If someone was hacking right in front of you, what would you do?
By the professionality of a good GM , i will always use the command to check on the server's situation and check whether if there is someone breaking rules on my scheduled time . If i ever found one , Hiding myself is a need and i will Warp to the player's destination to get the fastest and accurate screenshots / evidences . After a double check on the player i will conclude if that particular player is hacker or not . Jailing will be done for a slight warning to the first timer. Other than the first timer , Jail will be done again but Ign will be handed up to admin to take more severe actions to the hacker. But i'll like to elaborate for the first timer hackers , if they are caught hacking with all the evidences i have and they will be jail for a certain period of time . ( Depends on how long the Admins sets ) After the jailing , if the hacker feels remorseful , i suggest our GameMaster should give him/her a second chance as in to play the server again rather than banning him/her straight away .
Even the hacker is probably my friend , i wont cover it up for him as everyone in the game has a part .
If i cover his offence , what will other players think of me ?
Overall to what i said , i wont show bias towards my friends or to any other players.

•If your GM Application is not accepted, Will you quit SnailMS?
Apparently , i'm just looking for a GM job other than just a normal player .
According to what sevenhavenz said , maybe i should try and play the server .

I hope my honesty wont disturb my application .

• Experiences?
Approximately 3-4 Years of experience in Maplesea , around 1.5 years in Private Servers.
DarkPathMs (web designer & GM) BKMS ( Non GM but a web designer & Forum moderator ) XiaoHotMs (GM)

• What events can you host?
As what i said to be an event GameMaster , i would like to keep my suggestion to be confidential .
But i guess my events will be fun and creative rather than summoning monsters and treat them as an event.
A little clue for my events : ( Its just about things that does not require much things in the server )
Plain but quite fun .

• How will you treat other players in the game? Including other GM's.
To my point of view , GM and players are equal . Both plays their part in the game to produce the best gaming experience. As for me , i will treat all GMs and Player equally , including myself.
No discrimination towards fellow GameMasters or Players.

• How often will you be on SnailMS?
If i'm unable to go on , i will inform any other GM or go online for a short while to make a mega to inform everyone .
If i have to i will still try to meet the minimum that Admin requests me to .
Apart from that , other than when i am out or when i am busy i will be online.

• Why should we pick you?
I cant make a decision for myself .
Its a decision of the admins
From reading my application , Admin will do their job i suppose ?

• Do You have any suggestions on how we could make the server better? (adding items into shops etc.)
Curently , i have not join the server yet but soon. I will look around the server and also suggest to admins what other things you can add in . Very Happy

Apart from the application , i will request my GM name to be [GM]Red if i'm accepted.
Thanks for the time reading my application .

Thanks. (i know ur lucking for coders but i just try) bounce bounce


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-11-06

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