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Post  BoA Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:13 am

What are you applying for GM/NPC coder

Name Jimmy

Age 15


Where do you live/Timezone Australia (GMT+10:00)

How active will you be Monday-Friday times from 4pm-9pm--Saturday and Sunday time from 10am-12 then 4pm-9pm (GMT+10:00)


Hobbies Computer, posting and reading on forum (active) and playing sports.

How many servers have you been a GM/Admin in? i have been a gm for many server all of them shut down around 7-10 server

[Why should we choose you, Reason you applied, Summary of yourself, How you'd handle a hacker (all in one)]
Hey guys, first off my name is Jimmy and I'm 15 years old. I have been playing MapleStory for over three years.

I have been a GM on a few different servers and I have hosted my own server for a short while. I have all of the GM commands memorized and I know how to use each and every one of them.

I take my job as a GM seriously and I always carry out my GM duties as a professional. I do not ban for grudges or if somebody pisses me off; I only ban if somebody deliberately breaks the rules. I don't let emotion affect my decisions.

I am very experienced in hacking so I know what all the hackers are doing to try to gain an unfair advantage in this game. I know the name of every hack and I can instantly recognize any of them. I know what hackers do to try and avoid the GMs, I know what hacks they use, and I know where they go. Chances are I'm a more experienced hacker than any given hacker that tries to hack on a server I'm playing.

I'm not going to even go into my skills at banning hackers. People always put that and act like it's amazing that they can ban lots of them. It's nothing special to me, really, it's simple and most of the time hackers don't get by me.

On top of my vast knowledge of this game on both the GMs side and the hacker's side, I have an IQ of approximately 145 and I get the same test scores as the valedictorian of my high school.

And no, I don't act all boring like I am right now when I'm typing this. In fact I'm a pretty crazy guy haha.

Anyways, to continue...

I'm pretty good at hosting events and I don't do retarded ones like randomly spawning bosses in the FM. I actually make a game out of events and make it fun for everybody.

I'm very fair when it comes to punishment and I will usually hear anyone out when giving out consequences. I don't abuse my GM powers like so many people do. I see so many people banning players left and right just because they smega saying that they don't like one of the GMs. I'm not like that at all.

Extra Info: i Love listening to Music J-pop K-pop but BoA the must

Some Proof Of your GM Experiences: (i can script and make NPC or shop) i can send some of my scripting.

(i will now show Proof of my owner server rules i made with my friends but the server shut down. T_T)

What are "my gm rules"
1. Never ban someone for no apparent reason (e.g: scolding , insulting)At most give them a jail sentence or a warning.
2. Always seek help from higher authority when fights or arguements break out.
3. Never Ignore someone in need of help
4. Host Events when needed to in order to keep the server lively and happy.
5. No private events.
6. SS before banning for proof.

1. Track down the person and administer the situation.
4. Take a SS for proof
3. I have tried out hacks so i know what they do and how to judge.
currently have 2 a/bed accounts and botting a lukless in mardia lvl 15 in tomatoe field.0.0
4.If the person really hacks, warp him to a isolated place and question.
5.If the person refues to cooperate then its time to ban

I can follow instructions very easily and I don't need to be told twice.

Thank you

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-06-02

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Post  Admin Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:20 pm



Posts : 52
Join date : 2009-05-17
Age : 30
Location : New Jersey, United States of America

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